Devil's Cove

Location: Town of Webster, Monroe County 

Size: 2.28 acres 

Description: Wooded bluff and cattail wetlands located on Devil's Cove, a secluded cove of Irondequoit Bay.

History: Two conservation easements were donated to Genesee Land Trust in 2006 by Mr. Donald Scordo and his corporation, Washing Equipment Technologies. The parcels consist of a steep, wooded slope and cattail marsh on the shore of Devil's Cove, a secluded cove of Irondequoit Bay. The easement properties provide significant benefit as stopover habitat for migratory bird species, as well as breeding habitat for resident birds. The shoreline provides habitat for wetland species such as turtles, frogs, and water birds.

What is a conservation easement?

Genesee Land Trust staff photos