Lanning Road

Location: Town of Mendon, Monroe County

Size: 34 acres 

Description: This property is a mix of farmland, woodlands, and open wet meadows.

History: The conservation easement was donated by Dr. Margaret “Peg” Rathbun-Ames in 2000. When the Ameses acquired the land, it was relatively open; cattle had been allowed to graze in the fields and woods. Over three weekends, Dr. Rathbun-Ames and her husband planted 1,200 evergreen seedlings, which have now grown up into mature trees. Over the years they constructed a pond near the small stream that flows through the property, developed trails in the woods, and maintained a series of meadows through mowing. Ten acres of the property are leased to a farmer who farms the adjacent properties. The easement encourages continued agricultural use in suitable areas, provides for maintenance of the meadows and trails, and protects the small wetlands, woodlands, and stream corridor that create a diversity of habitats.

What is a conservation easement?

Genesee Land Trust staff photos